Thursday, June 29, 2006


Ok..there are some news about me and the world around me...
1. nucleus will have booth at anime- expo..and sell my new skullhead tshirt too....Yeah--y. check out their site to know detail.
I hope I can go there this weekend....
2. I will have group show at nucleus in august, opening will be on 19th, Saturday... Do not miss it...
I will post details about it.....It is "cover to cover" show.... I have idea for my art works... Which is something about make rated R to PG13....he he he.. you know what I like...
3. and I will have 3 persons show at compound in Oregon in January, opening will be on 4 th, Thursday... I am excited to go there...! I will make crazy porn paintings and drawings.. yeaayy!!(@_@)... I am just kidding... but again,, you know what I like..
4. I will go to DMV to get motorcycle license... tomorrow..! finally... yes..I need to pass writing test... I passed riding test, so it is not hard..... and I will get black Harley-Davidson sportster!!!!
5. I cannot wait to see " LADY IN THE WATER",,I love M.Night Shyamalan movies... aaand "FEARLESS" you know it is last kung- fu movie of JET LI
well..for now that is all... It is summer....drink a lot of water and watch out for bad spilit... they are all around you....